Aphid Types and Pictures
Oleander Aphid
Boyer de Fonscolombe is a common pest of Hoya, Asclepias, Mandevilla, and Oleander.
Green Peach Aphid
Frequently the undersides of developing leaves are infested, and feeding causes distorted or stunted leaf development. Alert nursery personnel can often detect white skins shed by the developing aphids (see figure on the left below) on upper leaf surfaces. These shed skins are often the first sign of infestation. The green peach aphid, illustrated in this slide infesting the lower leaf surfaces of Aphelandra is one of the most common species found in commercial greenhouses. These photos are of the green peach aphid.
Download Factsheet - Green Peach Aphid (turn this into a .pdf document and link to it).
Melon Aphid
In greenhouses aphid populations, most individuals are wingless, but when colonies become dense, winged forms are produced which disperse within the greenhouse and establish new infestations. Infestations are often first noticed on plants adjacent to greenhouse vents or evaporative cooling pads, as these are the locations where winged migrants frequently gain entry. Under such conditions, winged forms caught in air currents are rapidly spread throughout greenhouses. Under greenhouse conditions, aphid populations are all females, with each producing living young. Multiplication rates are greatly increased by the higher temperatures common within greenhouses. These photos are of the melon aphid.