Please read before filling out:
- Reservations require a minimum of two weeks’ notice. If you need to cancel, please let us know at least 48 hours before your reservation.
- Reservations are free of charge.
- MREC is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Our gates close at 5 p.m. sharp. If you will be using a carpooling service such as Uber, Lyft, a taxi, etc. please schedule your departure before our gates close. Do not leave unattended vehicles at the center.
- The auditorium has a lecture-style setup. Do not rearrange tables. If you do, you will need to return them to their original setting at the end of your event.
- Audio and visual equipment is provided in our rooms, including computers, overhead projects and screens. Guest wireless Internet is available and accessible using UFGuest.
- Food: We can only recommend outside catering options. However, vending machines are on-site. Please inform us if you will have lunch delivered, so waste pick-up is arranged. If you arrange lunch delivery, please dispose of trash in corresponding waste containers.
- Staff can assist with on-site meetings. Please let us know if you need assistance.
- After submitting this form, you will be contacted with further details regarding your reservation(s).
MREC Room Reservation Form
Thank you for choosing MREC to host your event. We look forward to seeing you soon! If you have any questions or changes to your reservation, please email
Last Updated – 11/18/24