Dr. Ana Maria Bocsanczy's research is pivotal in understanding the molecular dynamics of plant-pathogen interactions, particularly concerning Ralstonia solanacearum.
Dr. Jianjun Chen's research program focuses on how plants function, specifically how genetic, environmental and cultural factors influence the grow and development of specialty crops.
Dr. Liz Felter is a regional specialized agent for UF/IFAS Extension who works and collaborates with the interface of Central Florida food systems and ornamental horticulture.
Dr. Alfred Huo's research program focuses on developing biotechnological tools, particularly in improving the genetic transformation in diverse plant species and using various approaches such as CRISPR gene editing, transposon mutagenesis, and genomic sequencing to ornamental and specialty crops like snapdragons, begonia, marigold and petunia for genetic improvement.
Dr. Hayk Khachatryan's research program focuses on consumer behavior, experimental economics, pro-environmental behavior, temporal preferences, and urban and environmental policy.
Dr. Chris Marble's research program focuses on managing weeds and invasive plant species in landscapes and ornamental plant production and aims to develop new methods of weed control using an integrated approach with chemical and non-chemical treatments.
Dr. Lance Osborne's research program focuses on biological controls for managing pests, specifically for spider mites, white flies, thrips and lacewings, to connect homeowners with pest solutions.
Dr. Yilin Zhuang is a regional specialized agent who works with water resources for UF/IFAS Extension. Zhuang works across Central Florida to manage and promote water conservation programs as well as find solutions to challenges facing Florida's water supply.