Key to Whiteflies

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Key to the Most Common Whitefly Pests of Flowers and Foliage Plants

1. Pupal case (when viewed from the side) appears to be sitting on closely set posts of wax around the margin (Fig 172) ..... 2

1.' Pupal case not sitting on posts of wax around the margin ..... 3

2. Pupal case with a dark area along the back; adult with gray bands across the wings (Fig. 173A, B. ..... Bandedwinged whitefly.

2.' Pupal case without a dark area along the back; adult with gray bands across the wings .... Greenhouse whitefly.

3. Pupal case oval in shape, flat, without prominent caudal setae or caudal projections ..... Citrus Whitefly.

3.' Pupal case with prominent caudal setae and caudal projections, plump, not flat. ...... 4

4. On Azalea; pupal case without large dorsal setae, even if leaves are hairy ..... Azalea whitefly.

4.' Not on azalea; pupal case with large dorsal setae if leaves are hairy or without large setae if leaves are smooth ..... 5

5. Thoracic tracheal folds relatively wide, wax at margin opening of tracheal folds relatively wide, the posterior wax slighly wider than the bases of the caudal setae, fourth anterior submarginal setae present; does not cause white stem symptom on poinsettia and silverleaf symptom on squash .... Sweetpotato whitefly.

5.' Thoracic tracheal folds relatively narrow, wax at margin opening of tracheal folds relatively narrow, the posterior wax no wider than the bases of the caudal setae, fourth anterior submarginal setae absent; causes white stem symptom on poinsettia and silverleaf symptom on squash .... Silverleaf whitefly.