Basic Plant Pathology
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THE WORD PATHOLOGY comes from two Greek words, “pathos” (suffering), and “logos”
(study). Therefore, plant pathology is the study of the suffering or diseases of plants. Normally,
nonparasitic disorders of plants are not included in the study of diseases, but it is still important
to recognize them. These disorders include nutrient imbalances, temperature extremes, toxic
chemicals, mechanical injury, water imbalances, air pollution, and genetic problems. Most
environmentally induced problems tend to be uniform, whereas disease may show up in spots
throughout a nursery. Our concentration here will be on parasitic diseases — those caused by
microorganisms that can be seen only with a microscope. These microorganisms include fungi,
bacteria, and viruses.
Descriptions of Pathogens
About 85 percent of plant diseases are caused by fungi. Fungi are not plants. Fungi are
multicelled and, during certain stages of their life cycles, may be seen without a microscope.
They have no chlorophyll and though they do have cell walls, the walls of many species are not
made of cellulose as in true plants. Many species of fungi produce spores, which are reproductive
structures that aid in dispersal and survival. Most fungi can be identified by the structure of these
microscopic spores. Some fungi have no spores (e.g., Rhizoctonia). Rhizoctonia can be identified
by the characteristic right-angle branches of its fungal threads. Some fungi can survive on their
own without a host for long periods of time (e.g., Rhizoctonia).
Wind is important in the dispersal of most fungal pathogens. Spores can be carried for
miles in the wind. Fungi can penetrate directly through the cuticle of plants. Therefore, they do
not need natural openings in the plant or wounds for access.
There are several groups of fungi that are important in causing plant diseases in the
nursery. One group is now classified as the “fungal-like” chromistans. The most significant
subgroup are the Oomycetes, which contain the serious pathogens Pythium and Phytophthora.
These fungi are sometimes referred to by the common name of “water molds.” As the name
implies, they are most aggressive under highmoisture regimes. They are primarily soilborne and
cause damping-off, root rots, and crown rots. Stem canker symptoms are associated with a
number of Phytophthora species. If observed under the microscope, the hyphae (fungal threads)
do not have cross-walls.
Management of Pythium and Phytophthora center on the soil or soil mix that may harbor
propagules of the fungi. Options include fungicide drenching, plant stock treatment, soil
pasteurization or sterilization, and use of composted bark media.
Another important group of fungi are the Ascomycetes. These true fungi produce
specialized spores, called ascospores, which are often borne on the wind to susceptible host
plants. Ascospores are always produced as a result of sexual reproduction.
Closely related fungi called imperfect fungi (Fungi imperfecti) also very often produce
airborne spores. However, these spores, named conidia, result from asexual reproduction. A
particular fungus may produce ascospores in the sexually reproductive stage of its life cycle and
many generations of conidia during its asexual stage. It is even possible that two different names
will be used for the same fungus, depending on whether the sexual or asexual stage is observed.
Several imperfect fungi important in the nursery industry include Botrytis, Cercospora,
Alternaria, Phomopsis, Septoria, and Colletotrichum.
Since so many Ascomycetes and imperfect fungal pathogens are airborne and attack plant
shoots, fungicide sprays are important in their management. Sanitation, resistant cultivars, and
crop rotation also figure heavily in an integrated program for disease management.
The Basidiomycetes are the other major group of fungal pathogens. These are advanced
fungi with complex life cycles. Often, different life stages occur on different hosts, leading to an
“alternation of generations.” These fungi often are obligate parasites (i.e., they can’t be cultured
on artificial media).
The Basidiomycetes include the familiar “rusts” and “smuts.” Rusts are characterized by
more-or-less rust-colored pustules or shoot tissue. These pustules are usually eruptions through
the epidermis of masses of rust spores (often urediospores) that give the pustule its characteristic
color. Sometimes sexual spores initiate epidemics of rust in the beginning of a season, but
repeated asexual spore production (urediospores) usually account for most of the epidemic.
Smut fungi produce many fine, black masses of spores, hence the name “smut.” These
also are obligate parasites. Both the rusts and the smuts tend to have very narrow host ranges.
Cultivar resistance is important in control when available. As with the Ascomycetes and
imperfect fungi, routine fungicide sprays are often indicated to maintain acceptable levels of
control in commercial nurseries.
Though fungi cause more diseases than bacteria, bacterial diseases can be some of the
most difficult to control and can be devastating to plants. Bacteria are not plants. They are one-celled organisms that are so small, they can be seen only with a microscope. Though some
bacteria do produce spores, there are no plant pathogenic bacteria that produce spores. Some
bacteria can survive in the soil in decaying plant material for a time. Unlike fungi, they usually
need the host to survive.
Bacteria depend on outside agents for dispersal. Splashing water is the chief means by
which bacteria are disseminated. Another important means of dispersal is through human contact.
Many bacterial diseases can be spread simply by touching an infected plant and then touching a
healthy plant. Bacteria cannot penetrate the cuticle of plants, but must enter the plant through a
wound or natural opening. Viruses are the smallest of the three pathogens mentioned here. They
can be seen only with an electron microscope. They are not plants or animals; as conventionally
defined, they may not be alive at all.
Viruses are genetic material (RNA or DNA) wrapped in a protein coat. They must have a
living host in order to reproduce. Viruses are usually vectored from diseased to healthy plants by
insects. In Florida, most viruses are vectored by aphids.
Symptoms and Signs
Symptoms are abnormal states that indicate something is wrong. It is important to be able to use
the proper name for a symptom. Many are self-explanatory. A spot is just that, a spot. It is
necessary to also mention the part of the plant that is infected. If there are spots on the leaves, it
will be called a leaf spot; on the fruit, a fruit spot. As spots grow and coalesce, the symptom may
be termed a blight. This differs from a spot because larger amounts of tissue are affected. Galls or
tumors may be found on stems or sometimes on leaves. These are masses of undifferentiated
tissue growth (similar to cancerous tumors in people). Cankers, found most often on stems, are
sunken lesions. Wilts and rots are just what the names imply. It is important to note that a rot
does not have to be wet and “yucky”; there are dry rots. Damping off is another term that is often
used to describe the rotting of seedlings as they emerge from the soil. This is sometimes also
called wire stem. Most of these symptoms can be caused by any of the pathogen groups at one
time or another.
It is important to remember that a positive diagnosis of a plant disease is often
difficult or nearly impossible on the basis of symptoms alone. To properly identify a disease,
one must look for the signs of the pathogen. A sign of the pathogen is the presence of the
pathogen itself.
In fungi, one can often see the actual fungal growth. Examples of these signs are
mycelium, molds, rusts, sclerotia, conks, and mushrooms. A mycelium is a mass of fungal
“threads” that can often be seen on or around a lesion. Sclerotia are small, hard bodies that are
the resting state of the fungus. Fungi can survive for years in this state. If a fungus is suspected as
the cause of a disease but there is no sign of the fungus, a moisture chamber can be made. This is
a container (e.g., coffee can) in which moist paper towel is put along with a piece of the diseased
tissue. After a day or two in the closed can, mycelium will often be evident if the disease is
indeed caused by a fungus.
Along with the symptoms related above for fungi, bacterial infections often produce
water-soaking around the area where the pathogen entered. Later the lower surface of the leaf
will take on a dark, greasy appearance. This greasy appearance is most evident in foliar
infections, but can sometimes be seen on other plant organs. Though these are good indications
of a bacterial disease, one must again look for signs of the pathogen. Often, bacterial ooze can be
seen coming from a lesion, especially in the morning hours. Some bacterial diseases have
distinctive odors. An easy test to determine if wilt symptoms are caused by bacteria is called a
bacterial streaming test. This may be done by cutting the stem horizontally and inserting it into a
jar of water. If bacteria are present, they will produce a cloudy stream within a few minutes. This
stream is composed of millions of bacteria.
A streaming test can also be used on leaf samples. The suspected lesion must be cut
through several times with a razor blade and then observed under the microscope for a milky
ooze issuing from the cut surface.
Symptoms in viral diseases include mottling in the color of leaves and fruit, yellowing
and/or crinkling of leaves, misshapen leaves, and shortened internodes, which make the plants
very squat. To get a definitive diagnosis of a virus, samples must be sent to a clinic that has the
special equipment necessary to do the proper tests.
It is handy to have a hand lens and knife available. A hand lens is often necessary to see
the fungal growth on a lesion. It is simple to tell if a pathogen is responsible for a wilt by making
a vertical cut near the base of the plant. If a pathogen is present, the vascular tissue will appear
dark. A plant wilting from simple water stress will have normal white or light-green vascular
General Control Measures
In order for a disease to develop in a plant, there must be three things present: the pathogen, the
host, and an environment favorable for disease development. This is called the disease triangle.
All three parts of the triangle must be present for the disease to occur. In order to control a
disease, it is necessary to remove one of these three parts. Plant disease controls include crop
resistance, cultural and physical methods, pesticides, and regulation.
Immunity is the rule in the plant kingdom; most plants are immune to most pathogens.
Therefore, one does not have to worry that the black spot on roses will next appear on the
crossandra. Plant breeders strive to select varieties of host plants that have resistance to plant
diseases. Many hybrids of ornamentals have been developed that have some level of host
resistance. Merely choosing and planting these hybrids will cut down disease problems. This is
your first line of defense! There are also varieties that show more tolerance for a disease. The
plant may seem to be as heavily infected as the plant that is not tolerant, but somehow will still
thrive and produce.
There are cultural methods that can be used to help control disease. These include
sanitation, crop rotation, host eradication, and improvement of crop environment. Sanitation
involves removal of diseased plants and plant parts from the area to prevent spread of the
pathogen. As stated above, most pathogens are fairly host specific. By rotating crops from season
to season, populations of the pathogen will decrease because one aspect of the disease triangle —
the host — has been removed. Sometimes the weeds surrounding a greenhouse or shade house
also act as hosts for a particular pathogen. By eradicating these weeds, a possible host has been
Watering only the soil around the roots of plants is preferable to wetting the foliage. It is
not necessary to wet the leaves. It is also important to water after the dew has dried, but early
enough to allow for fairly rapid drying of the irrigation water. The late morning hours are a good
choice for watering.
As was mentioned earlier, some pathogens can be carried from plant to plant on hands
and tools, especially pruning tools. It is important to disinfect hands and tools that are used with
the plants. A 10- to 20-percent solution of household bleach in water makes a good disinfectant.
Rubbing alcohol from the drug store will also work.
There are many ways to improve the crop environment, making it more difficult for a
disease to take hold. Producing planting stock from meristem tip culture eliminates some
important pathogens, particularly viruses and some bacteria. Knowing the proper time to plant
and the proper depth to place the seeds or seedlings is also important. Poorly drained soil or
potting mix should be avoided. Use only recommended blends and rates of fertilizer. Knowing
the history of the nursery and what disease problems have been present can lead to better
decisions about how plants will fare. Spacing of plants is important. Wider spacing promotes
more rapid drying after irrigation and provides for good air movement. Injuries provide access
for pathogens, so one should avoid injuries to plants and plant parts during production and
distribution. Mulching around nurseries can also be helpful in keeping weeds down. It is, of
course, important to start with clean, healthy, pathogen-free stock when beginning any new
nursery crop.
In the end, one may still consider judicious applications of chemicals. Chemicals should
be used only as part of an Integrated Pest Management program, and should not be the first or
exclusive choice for plant disease management. Chemical methods include planting stock
treatment, drenches, and foliar sprays or dusts. It is important to always use only the amounts
specified on the labels and to use the proper fungicide for the plant and the particular problem. It
is necessary to make sure the chemical is labeled for that particular plant. Correct timing is also
important. One should follow Extension guidelines in planning an IPM program.
Disease Diagnostic Information and Submission of Samples
There are several steps the nursery manager and IPM scout should follow when attempting to
diagnose disease problems. Keep good records of the crops. Note when and where disease
problems first appear. Note disease development problems, disease severity, and recent cultural
practices (e.g., use of pesticides or fertilizers). Don’t forget to record weather conditions and
irrigation. Handouts and other reference materials are available in the Extension office.
There will be cases where it will be necessary to send a sample to one of the disease
clinics. The samples should be properly packaged for shipment. Preferably the whole plant
should be sent. The root ball should be wrapped in wet paper towels and put in a plastic bag to
keep it moist. Then the entire plant can be placed in a paper bag. If mailing, the plant can be
carefully placed in a box and mailed to the proper clinic. Whenever possible, single leaf samples
should not be sent. These samples often will not arrive in proper condition to be tested. Fruit can
be wrapped carefully in paper, not in plastic, and mailed in a box. The samples should be
submitted with the appropriate paperwork, through a county agent, to one of the regional plant
disease clinics. Your county agent can help determine where the samples are to be sent.