(Figure 1)
Eggs (lower portion) and male (upper portion) of the
twospotted spider mite. |

(Figure 7)
Eggs of P. persimilis. |

(Figure 2)
Eggs and larva of the twospotted spider mite (on left)
and egg of P. persimilis (right). |

(Figure 8)
Egg of the twospotted spider mite (left) and egg of P.
persimilis (right). |

(Figure 3)
Quiescent nymphs of the twospotted spider mite. |

(Figure 9)
Larva of P. persimilis. |

(Figure 4)
Deutonymph (left) and mature female (right) of the
twospotted spider mite. |

(Figure 10)
Adult of P. Persimilis. |

(Figure 5)
Male twospotted spider mite "guarding"
quiescent female deutonymph. |

(Figure 11)
Adult of P. Persimilis feeding on eggs on
twospotted spider mite. |

(Figure 6)
Mature female/Twospotted spider mite. |

(Figure 12)
Adult of P. Persimilis feeding on immature
twospotted spider mite. |