Peperomia Production Guide
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CFREC-Apopka Foliage Plant Research Note RH-91-25
R.W. Henley, L.S. Osborne and A.R. Chase University
of Florida, IFAS Central Florida Research and
Education Center - Apopka 2807 Binion Road,
Apopka, FL 32703-8504
The genus Peperomia includes over 1000 species of
which only a few are cultivated extensively. Peperomia are
small, succulent, herbaceous plants that are widely distributed
in the tropics and subtropics. Growth habits range from upright
forms that tend to be shrubby when young and sprawl with age to
rosette forms and prostrate vines, all with tolerance to
relatively low light levels. Currently, there are over 100
species of Peperomia cultivated in the United States,
although many are in the hands of collectors. Many interesting
forms which are occasionally seen in commerce have not been
properly named due to lack of taxonomic research on the genus.
The most widely produced species is Peperomia obtusifolia
(oval-leaf peperomia) and its cultivars. A few of the commonly
grown types are described below.
Peperomia argyreia (P. sandersii), Watermelon
Peperomia is an attractive rosette type with dark green leaves
and silvery-gray zones radiating from the leaf center. The leaf
blades are cupped slightly and supported on long reddish
petioles. Plants are usually propagated from leaf cuttings.
Peperomia caperata, Emerald Ripple Peperomia with its
rosette growth habit has dark green leaves with deep creases
along with major veins giving the leaf a wrinkled appearance.
Petioles are reddish and relatively long. Plants are normally
propagated from leaf cuttings.
Peperomia griseoargentea (P. hederifolia),
Ivy-Leaf Peperomia has silvery-green, glossy, nearly- round
leaves on long petioles which form a rosette. Veins are sunken
slightly and darker than the rest of the leaf. Plants are
generally propagated from leaf cuttings.
Peperomia clusiifolia, Red-Edge Peperomia is similar
in growth habit and leaf shape to P. obtusifolia except
the plants are slightly larger and the leaves more elongated. The
dark green, oval-shaped leaves have a dark red margin. Plants are
usually propagated by stem cuttings.
Peperomia obtusifolia, Oval-Leaf Peperomia is an
upright sprawling plant with dark green, glossy,
nearly-oval-shaped leaves. This species and its cultivars are
propagated by stem cuttings.
Peperomia obtusifolia `Marble', Marble Oval-Leaf
Peperomia is similar to the species with the exception of the
variably sectored pattern of dark green, creamy white and grayish
green which is common to most leaves.
Peperomia obtusifolia `Minima', Dwarf Oval-Leaf
Peperomia is about one half the size of the species and alike in
other respects.
Peperomia obtusifolia `Variegata', Variegated
Oval-Leaf Peperomia has leaves with a border of creamy white and
a central zone of dark green and grayish green.
Peperomia scandens, False-Philodendron Peperomia is a
nearly prostrate species with rather stiff thick stems and
fleshy, heart-shaped leaves. Because of its growth habit this
species along with the cultivar Variegata is frequently used in
hanging baskets. Plants are usually propagated by stem cuttings.
Peperomias are used primarily as small potted plants.
Wholesale growers in Florida produce pots ranging in size from
2.5 to 6 inches in diameter, with 3-inch pots being the most
abundant. Some of the prostrate species are also grown in hanging
baskets usually between 6 and 10 inches in diameter. The type of
container and size selected for a particular species should be
governed by the plant growth habit, size and leaf texture. Those
plants with upright or rosette growth habits are more attractive
in pots while those with prostrate stems are well suited to
either hanging baskets or pots.
Peperomias are propagated commercially by cuttage with
cuttings usually harvested from stock grown "in house".
As a group, peperomia cuttings are easy to root. The type of
cuttings used depends upon species, type of variegation pattern
in some cultivars, size of finished plant desired and amount of
stock available. Terminal stem cuttings can be used with all
types and permit production of finished plants in the shortest
possible time. Cuttings with one leaf and a short section of stem
can be used if stock is limited or small finished plants are
needed. Stem cuttings which have one or more buds are necessary
for propagation of variegated cultivars.
Two terminal stem cuttings with two to four expanded leaves
are commonly stuck per 3-inch pot. Rooting and finishing 3-inch
pots requires 3 to 5 weeks depending upon size of cuttings and
season. Growth is considerably faster when temperature and light
intensity are not limiting. Three to 4 cuttings are normally used
per 4-inch pot.
Potting media used for peperomia propagation and production
should be very well drained and as pathogen-free as possible.
Several peat-lite mixes with coarse particles, such as perlite,
styrofoam or bark char are very satisfactory because they provide
the necessary aeration.
Peperomia should be produced in greenhouses rather
than shadehouses because soil moisture must be closely
controlled. Light intensity during mid-day should range between
1500 and 3500 foot-candles with approximately 2.3 pounds of
actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet per month, based on a 3-1-2
ratio fertilizer. Since some of the peperomias are very
short-term crops, a liquid fertilization program is preferred
because excessive soluble salts severely damage plants in retail
stores or homes of consumers. Liquid fertilizer should be
administered at least once a week to ensure a slow rise in
fertility during the short production period.
1) Low root oxygen level
- Symptoms -
- Roots of peperomia are very sensitive to water-logged
soils which inhibit gas exchange within container media
and limits the root oxygen levels. Plants under low root
oxygen stress grow slowly and occasionally have a wilted
appearance. Frequently, plants grown with excessive soil
moisture are vulnerable to certain root rot fungi.
- Control -
- Use only potting media with physical characteristics
which provide good aeration. Avoid use of barriers in
containers or under containers which restrict water
drainage. Apply water only as it becomes limiting to
plant growth.
2) Nutrient deficiencies
- Symptoms -
- Nitrogen and potassium are the most frequently observed
nutrient deficiencies of peperomias. The lower leaves
become generally chlorotic, a condition which is not
reversible in its advanced stages.
- Control -
- Provide adequate fertilizer to both stock and plants
grown for sale.
3) High soluble salts
- Symptoms -
- Peperomia roots are very fine and easily damaged by
excessive salinity in the root zone. Roots frequently die
back by the time foliage symptoms are observed. Plants
appear to be under moisture stress and defoliation
usually proceeds from older leaves to younger leaves. As
one looks over the top of a peperomia crop damaged by
high salinity, there is usually a noticeably uneven
pattern of growth.
- Control -
- Do not exceed recommended fertilizer levels unless
considerable water is applied between fertilizer
applications. If high soluble salts are detected in
peperomia soils, leach to bring the salts within an
acceptable range.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
Peperomias are subject to a variety of diseases
caused by fungi, bacteria and viruses. The most common
disease found on this group of plants is caused by Pythium
spp. and Phytophthora spp. Root and stem rots
caused by these fungi are very serious on Peperomia
obtusifolia cultivars. Only one disease has been
described as due to a virus-like pathogen. Virus ring
spot has been found on P. obtusifolia cultivars
but does not appear to be a serious concern for the
foliage industry today. Many of the stem and root
diseases of this plant can be avoided through use of
pathogen-free potting medium and pots. Several leaf spots
are also found on cultivars of peperomias including the
most common, Cercospora leaf spot. Each of the most
common diseases of peperomias are described below.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
1) Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora sp.)
- Symptoms -
- Cercospora leaf spot is typified by tan to black raised
areas found on leaf undersides. The areas appear similar
to a condition called edema and are swollen and
irregularly shaped. It is very difficult to isolate the
causal organism from these spots and frequently the two
conditions are confused. P. obtusifolia cultivars
are especially susceptible to Cercospora leaf spot.
- Control -
- Spray the undersides of the leaves where the spores are
2) Phyllosticta leaf spot (Phyllosticta sp.)
- Symptoms -
- Phyllosticta leaf spot occurs on the watermelon
peperomia. Leaf spots are dark brown to black and dryish.
The lesions have concentric rings of light and dark
tissue and are commonly found on the leaf margins
spreading across the entire leaf.
- Control -
- Remove and destroy infected leaves. Keep the plant
foliage dry.
3) Rhizoctonia leaf spot (Rhizoctonia sp.)
- Symptoms -
- Peperomia obtusifolia cultivars are susceptible
to Rhizoctonia sp. which causes a mushy,
dark-brown to black leaf spot. The lesions are elliptical
to irregularly shaped and concentric rings of high and
low tissue can be detected in the lesions. The lesions
form on leaves anywhere on the plant. Under warm
conditions, the web-like mycelium of the pathogen can be
seen covering the affected plants.
- Control -
- Remove and destroy severely infected plants or areas in
the stock bed.
4) Phytophthora and Pythium stem and root rot - (Phytophthora
parasitica or Pythium splendens and many other
- Symptoms -
- Plants rot at the soil line and show a mushy black
lesion which can extend upwards into the leaves of the
plants. Roots of infected plants are blackened and mushy
and their outer cortex can be easily removed from the
inner core.
- Control -
- Always use new pots and potting medium and grow plants
on raised benches to avoid infestation from the native
5) Sclerotium stem rot (also called Southern Blight -
Sclerotium rolfsii)
- Symptoms -
- Stem rot caused by this pathogen is characterized by a
brown mushy area at the soil line of the cutting. Plants
which are in the rotting phase as well as established
plants are frequently lost to this disease. The brown
fruiting bodies of the pathogen are commonly found in the
rotted area. These structures are tan to dark brown and
are round and the size of mustard seeds. Masses of white
cottony mycelial growth are also found.
- Control -
- Cuttings should be inspected carefully for symptoms of
this disease and discarded if they are infected. Always
use new potting medium and pots and watch plants
carefully for the symptoms of stem rot.
Reference Pest
Control Guides Here
1) Ring spot (Peperomia ring spot virus)
- Symptoms -
- Infected plants show a variety of symptoms including
ring spots (rings of light or dark pigmentation), leaf
distortion and stunting for the green variety of P.
obtusifolia. The virus appears as necrotic lesions
(brown areas) on the variegated cultivars and infected
leaves generally fall off the plant.
- Control -
- Collect and destroy all peperomias with these symptoms
since no chemicals can control a virus disease. Be
careful not to transmit the virus by using contaminated
cutting tools - clean in between plants if this virus
disease is suspected.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
The major arthropod pests of Peperomia include
caterpillars, fungus gnats, root mealybugs, mites,
scales, and thrips. Mealybug, mite, and scale
infestations typically result from bringing infested
plant material into the greenhouse. Moths, fungus gnats
and thrips have the ability to fly and thus invade the
greenhouse from weeds and other infested plants outside.
In the control section for each pest a few of the many
registered and effective pesticides will be listed. For a
complete listing please consult the references at the end
of this report.
1) Caterpillars (worms)
- Symptoms -
- Infestations are easy to detect because worms, their
excrement and the damage they cause, are usually quite
visible to the unaided eye. Damage appears as holes in
the center or along the edges of leaves. Damage by worms
is often confused with slug or snail damage. The only way
to determine which pest is involved is to find a
specimen. Old damage can be distinguished from new by the
calloused appearance of the older damaged areas (worms
are usually gone by this time).
- Control -
2) Fungus gnats
- Symptoms -
- Fungus gnats are small black flies (1/8 inch long) and
are frequently observed running around the soil surface
or on leaves and are often confused for Shore flies (see
later section). The adults have long bead-like antennae
and their legs hang down as they fly. These insects are
very weak fliers and appear to "flit" around
randomly. The larvae are small legless "worms"
with black heads and clear bodies that inhabit the soil.
The larvae spin webs on the soil surface which resemble
spider webs. Damage is caused by larvae feeding on roots,
root hairs, leaves in contact with the soil and lower
stem tissues. Feeding damage may predispose plants to
disease and they are often found in close association
with diseased plants or cuttings. Adults do not cause any
direct damage, but are responsible for many consumer
complaints to growers. Adults emerge and fly around in
retail shops, homes, or offices and are therefore a
nuisance. For further information please consult
Extension Entomology Report #74 (Management of fungus
gnats in greenhouse ornamentals).
- Control -
- Reduce the amount of water applied to each pot where
possible. Avoid algae growth where possible.
3) Mealybugs
- Symptoms -
- Mealybugs appear as white, cottony masses in leaf axils,
on the lower surfaces of leaves and on the roots.
Honeydew and sooty mold are often present and infested
plants become stunted, and with severe infestations,
plant parts begin to die.
- Control -
- Systemic materials are preferred. Control of root
mealybugs is accomplished with soil drenches with an
insecticide. When pesticides are applied to the soil,
care must be taken to assure that the pots have good
drainage and that no saucers are attached, or
phytotoxicity may result.
4) Mites (Broad and cyclamen mites and Tarsonemus
- Symptoms -
- Mites are very small and go unnoticed until plants
become severely damaged. Broad mites cause foliar
necrosis of the vegetative shoot apex. Initial symptoms
of injury are new leaves cupped downward, puckered,
stunted, with serrated margins. Foliage expanding from
cyclamen and T. confusus mite infested vegetative
buds is curled, twisted, brittle, and in the case of Peperomia
obtusifolia `Variegata' the affected foliage is
almost entirely yellow.
- Control -
- The critical point in any control program is thorough
coverage with the pesticide. The best control program is
to minimize introduction of mites into the growing area
on infested plant material.
8) Scales (Aglaonema and proteus scales)
- Symptoms -
- Infested plants become weakened or stunted and begin to
die. Scales can be found feeding on leaves, petioles, or
stems. They are usually distinct from the plant material
on which they are feeding. Their shape (round to oval),
size (pinpoint to 2 mm long), and color (light to dark
brown) are quite variable and many scales are hard to
distinguish from the plant material on which they are
- Control -
- See Mealybugs
9) Shore flies
- Symptoms -
- Shore flies small black flies (1/8 inch long) and are
frequently observed sitting on the tips of leaves or on
the soil surface feeding on algae. The adults have very
short antennae. These insects very strong fliers and
exhibit directed flight (straight between 2 points). The
larvae inhabit the soil and are small legless
"worms" with clear bodies and no obvious heads.
No known damage is caused by larvae. This insect is
believed to feed only on algae. Adults do not cause any
direct damage, but may be responsible for spreading plant
pathogens, reducing value by defecating on the leaves
(small black to green spots) and for many consumer
complaints to growers. Adults emerge and fly around in
retail shops, homes, or offices and are therefore a
- Control -
- Reduce the amount of water applied to each pot where
possible. Avoid algae growth on walkways, benches, and
cooling pads. Chemicals are not believed to be very
effective in the control of this pest.
11) Thrips
- Symptoms -
- Thrips are small (less than 1/20), thin insects. Adult
thrips can be identified by a long fringe of hair around
the margins of both pairs of wings. Color varies between
species with western and other flower thrips being yellow
to light brown and banded greenhouse thrips and a few
other thrips that feed mainly on leaves being dark brown
to black. Feeding takes place with rasping type mouth
parts. Infested leaves become curled or distorted, with
silver-gray scars or calloused areas where feeding has
occurred. Thrips can transmit the tomato spotted wilt
virus to many different ornamentals. Any unusual symptoms
should be investigated.
- Control -
- Reference Pest Control Guides Here
Pesticides should be applied according to label directions.
Regardless of the pesticide or mixture of pesticides used, it
strongly recommended that the effects be evaluated on a few
plants, under your particular conditions before treating all
Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in this paper
does not constitute a recommendation by the authors,
nor does it imply registration under FIFRA as amended.
1. Bailey, L.H. Hortorum staff. 1976. Hortus Third.
MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, NY. 1290 pp.
2. Chase, A.R. 1990. Phytotoxicity of bactericides and
fungicides on some ornamentals. Nursery Digest 24(5):11.
3. Chase, A.R., T.J. Armstrong and L.S. Osborne. 1981. Why
should you test pesticides on your plants? ARC-Apopka Research
Report RH-81-6.
4. Price, J., D.E. Short and L.S. Osborne. 1989. Management
of fungus gnats in greenhouse ornamentals. Extension Entomology
Report #74.
5. Reisch, Lisa. 1991. Florida Foliage Locator 1991-92.
Florida Foliage Association, Apopka, FL. 152 pp.
6. Short. D.E., L.S. Osborne and R.W. Henley. 1984.
Phytotoxicity of insecticides and miticides to foliage and woody
ornamental plants. Extension Entomology Report #57.
7. Short, D.E., L.S. Osborne and R.W. Henley. 1991. 1991-1992
Insect and related arthropod management guide for commercial
foliage plants in Florida. Extension Entomology Report #52. 13
8. Simone, G.W. and A.R. Chase. 1989. Disease control
pesticides for foliage production (Revision #4). Plant Protection
Pointer. Extension Plant Pathology Report #30. [also in Foliage
Digest 12(9)1-8].