Cordyline - Ti Plant
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CFREC-A Foliage Plant Research Note RH-91-34
R.W. Henley, L.S. Osborne and A.R. Chase
University of Florida, IFAS Central Florida Research and
Education Center - Apopka 2807 Binion Road, Apopka, FL 32703-8504
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
The ti plant, also known as ti and Hawaiian good-luck-plant,
is technically classified as Cordyline terminalis. There
are approximately 20 species of Cordyline, which is in the
agave family, Agaveaceae. As one reads some of the older
horticultural books, it will be noted that the Cordyline
was formerly in the lily family, Liliaceae, and earlier,
it was classified as Dracaena rather than Cordyline.
There are many similarities between Cordyline and Dracaena
with regard to their botanical classification and cultural
requirements. Cordyline terminalis, a native of east Asia
and is the most popular species of the genus for indoor potted
plants. Some selections of ti plant are also used extensively as
cut florist greens.
Although ti plants represent only a small portion of the
potted foliage plant product mix, they are among the most
colorful foliage plants. Small-leaved selections of ti plants are
finished as small and medium pots for retail market outlets and
for use in combination planters. Larger multi-branched plants in
6 to 14-inch pots are produced for large scale interior planting
Many of the small plants used in small combination planters
are started from seed and are highly variable in color, from
green to deep maroon and variegated. Most of the named cultivars
in the trade are selections made from unique and attractive
seed-grown plants. A few of the named cultivars now popular in
the United States are listed below:
`Baby Doll' is a small-leaved cultivar with maroon leaves
trimmed with a pink edge.
`Firebrand' is a relatively large-leaved cultivar with dark
burgundy foliage.
`Kiwi' is a very popular medium to small-leaved variety with a
fine marginal tracery of red around a green leaf with an
irregular internal pattern of yellow-green, yellow and ivory
stripes which follow the leaf veins. There are also a few fine
red lines in the internal pattern on some leaves.
Nurserymen presently propagate ti plants by three methods:
seed germination, rooting of cuttings, including cane, and
finishing micro-cuttings or plugs (TC-4) from tissue culture
Ti plant seed is usually available from seedsmen from late
summer through early winter. Seed from a few selections of ti
will germinate rather true to type and is sold by seedsmen
accordingly. Seed are sown in ground beds, raised beds or in
trays on benches. They are covered with about 1/4-inch of peat or
peat-lite mix which is kept moist until germination and
development when the seedlings are large enough to be easily
transplanted to small pots, usually about 2 to 4 inches high.
There is no reason why seeded flats cannot be placed in chambers
for germination, thus utilizing production space more
Many of the highly colored named cultivars are propagated by
terminal stem cuttings (tips) which are directly stuck in the
pots, then eventually sold. Larger plants are stepped up to
larger sizes and grown on. Terminal cuttings usually require
intermittent mist applications until sufficient roots are present
to prevent necrosis of leaf tips and lower leaf loss.
Like several of the dracaena and yucca species, ti plant can
also be propagated from cane pieces (large leafless stem
cuttings) ranging from a few inches to much larger. Some retail
garden outlets offer short sections of ti plant cane packaged in
plastic film with instructions for rooting by the consumer on
display racks.
Tissue-cultured plantlets of a few ti plant cultivars are
offered occasionally by specialists. Since growth of these
plantlets is slow and ti plant is a minor foliage plant crop, the
interest in using this means of propagation is limited. Most
nurserymen feel that it is more feasible to start with large tip
cuttings when propagating named cultivars.
Light levels can affect appearance of multi-colored ti
cultivars. Cultivars like Baby Doll which normally have dark red
leaves with a narrow medium red to pink margin, will begin to
produce leaves with wider pink margins as the production light
intensity is reduced. Suggested level is about 3000 to 3500 ft-c,
which will produce plants with good coloration. Good growth can
be obtained with either liquid or slow-release fertilizers at the
rate of 2.9 pounds of actual nitrogen per 1000 square feet per
month from a 3-1-2 or similar ratio product. Where plants are
subject to heavy rainfall or frequent irrigations, the fertilizer
level may need to be increased. The potting medium utilized for
ti plant should be of good quality, and provide excellent
aeration and water-holding capacity. Amendments should include a
low to moderate level of micronutrients such as 1 lb Micromax/yd3
and sufficient dolomite to adjust medium pH to 5.5 to 6.5. The
higher pH has been shown to be beneficial in reducing fluoride
toxicity. Suggested air temperatures for best growth are 65°F
minimum to 95°F maximum. Ti can tolerate lower and higher
temperatures, but growth rate will be reduced.
1) Fluoride toxicity
- Symptoms -
- The first indication of fluoride toxicity on Cordyline
is tipburn followed by marginal necrosis. In severe
cases, mottling also occurs within the center of the leaf
and the entire leaf may die. Cordyline terminalis
`Baby Doll' is the most susceptible cultivar to this
problem, although all cultivars have been observed to
have symptoms when fluoride is present in water, soil or
- Control -
- Where fluoride is known to be a problem, the propagation
and potting media should have a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 to
reduce fluoride availability. Cuttings without roots are
likely to take up large amounts of fluoride. Some
producers utilize treated water in propagation areas to
prevent fluoride uptake during rooting and nontreated
water after rooting. To reduce fluoride uptake, use
potting media, irrigation water and fertilizers low in
fluoride content. Irrigation water should contain less
than 0.25 ppm fluoride.
2) Poor color
- Symptoms -
- Cordyline is popular because it provides various shades
of purple, maroon, rose, pink and yellow, as well as
green. Intensity (brightness) of any of the colors,
except green, under some environmental conditions may be
so poor that plants appear dull. Plants also may be
mostly dark purple or maroon without highlights of rose
or pink common to the cultivar.
- Control -
- Color intensity appears to be controlled by temperature,
light and fertilizer levels. Levels of carbohydrates are
low during summer when night temperatures are high and
poor color often occurs during this period. Low light
intensity, especially during summer, and high fertilizer
levels also reduce color intensity. Best color intensity
will occur during the period November through May, if
suggested light and fertilizer levels are utilized.
During periods of poor coloration, some improvement can
often be obtained by increasing light intensity and
reducing temperature.
3) Damage to terminal growing
- Symptoms -
- Growing point appears to die or partially collapses, but
eventually regrow.
- Control
- - This symptom usually occurs after application of a
"leaf shine" compound or excess fertilizer
which collects in the growing point. Care must be taken
to prevent accumulation within the growing point of
potentially toxic substances and liquid fertilization
should be followed with a few minutes of only water.
Pest Control Guides Here
- 1) Erwinia blight (Erwinia chrysanthemi, E. carotovora
pv. carotovora)
- Symptoms -
- Systemic infections of Cordyline cuttings with one or
both species of Erwinia can occur. These
infections result in a combination of symptoms including
a wet, mushy leaf spot and stem rot. Lesions on leaves
and stems are usually water-soaked and slimy and
eventually disintegration occurs. Severe infections can
result in cutting loss, since the plants often rot from
the cutting end upwards. If these cuttings are carefully
recut to remove the rotten portion of the stem and
restuck, they will sometimes root adequately. The
unfortunate fact, however, is that most of the cuttings
will then develop symptoms of stem and root rot caused by
Erwinia. Erwinia root rot appears similar to other
root diseases with the roots water-soaked and black.
Complete disintegration of the infected root system often
- Control -
- There are no chemical controls which provide an
appreciable degree of symptom relief for any of the
phases of Erwinia blight. As mentioned earlier, recutting
diseased material only postpones the loss of that
material and increases the chances of infection of other
healthy material. Carefully examine all cuttings used for
propagation, destroying those which are suspected of
Erwinia blight. Always use pathogen-free plants for stock
as well.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
- 1) Fusarium leaf spot (Fusarium moniliforme)
- Symptoms -
- Fusarium leaf spot of Cordyline appears similar to the
same disease of dracaenas. Lesions appear only on the
immature leaves near the growing tip. Spots are tan to
reddish-brown and roughly ellipsoid in shape. In severe
cases, the lesions coalesce and become very large and
irregularly shaped. A bright yellow halo sometimes
surrounds lesions.
- Control -
- Minimize water applied to plant foliage. If the leaves
are kept relatively dry, the disease will not occur.
Under overhead irrigation, fungicides may be beneficial
but will probably not result in complete disease control.
Fusarium stem and root rot (Fusarium sp.)
- Symptoms -
- Fusarium stem and root rot is caused by a different
species of Fusarium than the one causing the leaf
spot disease. Initial symptoms include yellowing of the
lower leaves and slight wilting. Examination of the root
systems reveal blackened water-soaked roots which greatly
resemble those infected with Erwinia spp. Stem
lesions also appear near the potting medium. Lesions are
sunken, tan and wrinkled. They sometimes contain the
yellowish spores of the pathogen in powdery masses.
- Control -
- Minimizing water applications and growing pathogen-free
plants in pathogen-free potting medium should be
attempted. Since the disease spreads through irrigation
water, keep plants on wire benches or other structures
which reduce the chances of drainage water contaminating
other pots. Always remove and destroy symptomatic plants
as soon as they are found.
3) Phyllosticta leaf spot (Phyllosticta
- Symptoms -
- Lesions are circular to slightly irregular and range from
1 to 5 mm in diameter. They appear mainly on the older
leaves of plants and are usually tan with purple borders
and yellow halos. Under conditions of high disease
pressure, the lesions may coalesce and the entire leaf
may die.
- Control -
- The cultural controls listed for Fusarium leaf spot will
also aid in control of this leaf spot disease.
Phytophthora leaf spot (Phytophthora parasitica)
- Symptoms -
- Lesions form mainly on lower leaves close to the potting
medium. They are initially water-soaked, brown, zonate
areas with irregular margins. Similar diseases caused by
this pathogen also occur on schefflera, spathiphyllum,
dieffenbachia and philodendron.
- Control -
- This disease is usually easy to avoid if plants are grown
on raised benches away from the native soil. Splashing
water from the native soil on to the lower leaves is the
mode of infection.
5) Southern blight (Sclerotium
- Symptoms -
- Southern blight disease appears much the same on one host
as another. The pathogen generally attacks the crown of
the plant first, sometimes leaving the roots intact and
causing girdling and collapse of the tops only.
Sclerotia, the fruiting bodies of the pathogen, form all
over the infected tissue and appear as small mustard
seed-sized bodies. They are first white and turn brown as
they mature. The white fan-like mycelium of the pathogen
also forms over the plant, potting medium and even sides
of benches.
- Control -
- Chemical control of Southern blight is difficult since
the only fungicide which is rarely completely effective
and can cause some stunting on some plants. Always
discard plants suspected of Southern blight infection and
use pathogen-free potting media and pots since the
organism lives in soil and can transfer from one crop to
the next on recycled materials and equipment.
Pest Control Guides Here
- The major arthropod pests of C. terminalis include
fungus gnats, mealybugs, mites, scales, and thrips.
Mealybug, mite, and scale infestations are typically the
result of introducing infested plant material into the
greenhouse. Fungus gnats and thrips have the ability to
fly and thus invade the greenhouse from weeds and other
infested plants outside. In the control section for each
pest, a few of the many registered and effective
pesticides will be listed. For a complete listing, please
consult the references at the end of this report.
Fungus gnats
- Symptoms -
- Fungus gnats are small black flies (1/8 inch long) and
are frequently observed running around the soil surface
or on leaves and are often confused for Shore flies (see
later section). The adults have long bead-like antennae
and their legs hang down as they fly. These insects are
very weak fliers and appear to "flit" around
randomly. The larvae are small legless "worms"
with black heads and clear bodies that inhabit the soil.
The larvae spin webs on the soil surface which resemble
spider webs. Damage is caused by larvae feeding on roots,
root hairs, leaves in contact with the soil and lower
stem tissues. Feeding damage may predispose plants to
disease and they are often found in close association
with diseased plants or cuttings. Adults do not cause any
direct damage, but are responsible for many consumer
complaints to growers. Adults emerge and fly around in
retail shops, homes, or offices and are therefore a
nuisance. For further information please consult
Extension Entomology Report #74 (Management of fungus
gnats in greenhouse ornamentals).
- Control -
- Reduce the amount of water applied to each pot where
possible. Avoid algae growth where possible. Soil
drenches or soil-surface sprays of Diazinon formulations,
Enstar, Gnatrol (a strain of Bacillus thuringiensis),
and Vydate L are effective at controlling the larvae.
Nematodes that seek out insects in the soil are sold
commercially and have been shown to control these pests
without causing any negative effects to the host plants.
Adults are very sensitive to most chemicals.
- Symptoms -
- Mealybugs appear as white, cottony masses in leaf axils,
on the lower surfaces of leaves and on the roots.
Honeydew and sooty mold are often present and infested
plants become stunted, and with severe infestations,
plant parts begin to die.
- Control -
- Systemic materials are preferred. Control of root
mealybugs is accomplished with soil drenches with an
insecticide. When pesticides are applied to the soil,
care must be taken to assure that the pots have good
drainage and that no saucers are attached, or
phytotoxicity may result.
4) Mites (Two-spotted spider
- Symptoms -
- Two-spotted spider mites are very small and go unnoticed
until plants become severely damaged. Damaged foliage
begins to turn yellow or become speckled due to the
feeding of mites. Webbing, loss of leaves and plant death
can occur when mite populations reach high levels. Often
the presence of this pest is overlooked because the cast
skins and webbing produced by this mite are confused for
dust on undersides of leaves. Mites have round pale
yellow to reddish eggs deposited on the undersurface of
leaves; nymphs and adults have two dark patches on either
side of there bodies.
- Control -
- The critical point in any control program is thorough
coverage with the pesticide. The best control program is
to minimize the possibility of introducing mites into the
growing area on infested plant material. Biological
control programs have worked in small scale studies but
remain unproven in commercial greenhouses.
5) Scales
- Symptoms -
- Infested plants become weakened or stunted and begin to
die. Scales can be found feeding on leaves, petioles, or
stems. They are usually distinct from the plant material
on which they are feeding. Their shape (round to oval),
size (pinpoint to 2 mm long), and color (light to dark
brown) are quite variable and many scales are hard to
distinguish from the plant material on which they are
feeding. The Florida red scale is the major scale pest of
this plant. It is an armored scale that is reddish-brown
to black in color. Feeding by this insect causes a
characteristic yellow or chlorotic streak that radiates
from the point of attachment.
- Control -
- See Mealybugs
6) Shore flies
- Symptoms -
- Shore flies small black flies (1/8 inch long) and are
frequently observed sitting on the tips of leaves or on
the soil surface feeding on algae. The adults have very
short antennae. These insects very strong fliers and
exhibit directed flight (straight between 2 points). The
larvae inhabit the soil and are small legless
"worms" with clear bodies and no obvious heads.
No known damage is caused by larvae. This insect is
believed to feed only on algae. Adults do not cause any
direct damage, but may be responsible for spreading plant
pathogens, reducing value by defecating on the leaves
(small black to green spots) and for many consumer
complaints to growers. Adults emerge and fly around in
retail shops, homes, or offices and are therefore a
- Control -
- Reduce the amount of water applied to each pot where
possible. Avoid algae growth on walkways, benches, and
cooling pads. Chemicals are not believed to be very
effective in the control of this pest.
- Control -
- See Mealybugs
7) Thrips
- Symptoms -
- Thrips are small (less than 1/20), thin insects. Adult
thrips can be identified by a long fringe of hair around
the margins of both pairs of wings. Color varies between
species with western and other flower thrips being yellow
to light brown and banded greenhouse thrips and a few
other thrips that feed mainly on leaves being dark brown
to black. Feeding takes place with rasping type mouth
parts. Infested leaves become curled or distorted, with
silver-gray scars or calloused areas where feeding has
occurred. Thrips can transmit the tomato spotted wilt
virus to many different ornamentals. Any unusual symptoms
should be investigated.
- Control -
- Many materials are registered and effective at
controlling thrips.
8) Whiteflies
- Symptoms -
- Whiteflies are not a major problem but they have been
reported as a pest of this plant. Infested leaves often
have small yellow spots where adults or immature
whiteflies have fed. When populations become dense the
leaves become yellowed and lower leaves are covered with
black sooty mold. The immature stages of the sweetpotato
whitefly are small scale like insects and can be found on
the undersides of infested leaves.
- Control -
- Many materials are registered and effective at
controlling whiteflies. To minimize additional resistance
problems, one insecticide should be applied two times per
week throughout one life cycle (3 weeks) to control an
established infestation. Monitor the population to
determine if the particular insecticide being applied is
reducing whitefly numbers. Some populations may be
resistant to one or more of these insecticides. If the
infestation persists, use another compound for the above
list following the same schedule. Do not apply tank mixes
as they may enhance resistance. If low numbers of
whiteflies persist, apply one of the above insecticides
once per week for 3 weeks then switch insecticides.
Undersides of leaves must be covered thoroughly to
achieve satisfactory control. For additional information
on this pest please consult Plant Protection Pointer #73
(Sweetpotato whitefly on ornamental plants).
Pesticides should be applied according to label
Regardless of the pesticide or mixture
of pesticides used, it is
strongly recommended that the effects be evaluated on a
plants, under your particular conditions before treating
all plants.
Mention of a commercial or proprietary
product in this paper
does not constitute a recommendation by the authors,
nor does it imply registration under FIFRA as amended.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
- 1. Bailey, L.H. Hortorum staff. 1976. Hortus Third.
MacMillan Publishing Company, Inc., New York, NY. 1290
2. Chase, A.R. 1990. Phytotoxicity of bactericides
and fungicides on some ornamentals. Nursery Digest
3. Chase, A.R., T.J. Armstrong and L.S. Osborne. 1981.
Why should you test pesticides on your plants? ARC-Apopka
Research Report RH-81-6.
4. Conover, C.A. and R.T. Poole. 1990. Light and
fertilizer recommendations for production of acclimatized
potted foliage plants. CFREC-A Research Report RH-90-1.
13 pp.
5. Graf, A. 1978. Tropica. Roehrs
Company-Publishers, East Rutherford, NJ. 1120 pp.
6. Price, J., D.E. Short and L.S. Osborne. 1989.
Management of fungus gnats in greenhouse ornamentals.
Extension Entomology Report #74.
7. Reisch, Lisa (Editor). 1991. Florida Foliage
Locator 1991-92. Florida Foliage Association, Apopka, FL.
152 pp.
8. Short, D.E., L.S. Osborne and R.W. Henley. 1984.
Phytotoxicity of insecticides and miticides to foliage
and woody ornamental plants. Extension Entomology Report
9. Short, D.E., L.S. Osborne and R.W. Henley. 1991.
1991-1992 Insect and related arthropod management guide
for commercial foliage plants in Florida. Extension
Entomology Report #52. 13 pp.
10. Short, D.E., J. Price and L.S. Osborne. 1989.
Sweetpotato whitefly on ornamental plants. Extension
Entomology Report #73.
11. Simone, G.W. and A.R. Chase. 1989. Disease control
pesticides for foliage production (Revision #4). Plant
Protection Pointer. Extension Plant Pathology Report #30.
[also in Foliage Digest 12(9):1-8].