CFREC-A Foliage Plant Research Note RH-91-14
R.T. Poole, A.R. Chase and L.S. Osborne University
of Florida, IFAS
Central Florida Research and Education Center - Apopka 2807
Binion Road., Apopka, FL 32703-8504
Dracaenas comprise one of the most important and diverse
families sold as foliage plants. Available in many different
varieties, leaves can be oval or lance shaped and from 3 to 24
inches long. The leaves vary in color from emerald to grey green,
sometimes with white or yellow stripes or yellow or cream spots.
They range in size from small tabletop varieties to plants 20
feet tall.
Dracaena fragrans (Corn Plant) and its cultivars are
one of the most popular dracaena groups and considered among the
best of interior plants. Most potted corn plants are sold as
standards, plants with multiple heads on a cane with lengths
varying from 6 inches to 5 feet. Often three or more canes of
differing length are planted in a single pot. Corn plant is also
very attractive when potted as a single cutting in a 5 to 8 inch
pot. Corn plant gets its common name from its upright growth and
graceful leaves which resemble corn foliage.
Dracaena fragrans, the species, is entirely green and
although it is an excellent plant, most consumers prefer the more
colorful cultivars. Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana' is the
most popular cultivar and has leaves with a broad yellow central
stripe. This cultivar accounts for nearly 90% of the corn plants
sold. Two other attractive cultivars that are found in the
marketplace are Dracaena fragrans `Lindenii' with white
marginal stripes and Dracaena fragrans `Victoria' with
golden marginal stripes.
The two dracaena cultivars, `Warneckii' and `Janet Craig',
are derived from the species Dracaena deremensis Engl.
`Warneckii' is a stiff, erect variety with gray-green
leather-like leaves striped with white. `Janet Craig' has long
shiny dark green leaves more flexible than `Warneckii'.
Dracaena marginata Lam., known as the Madagascar
Dragontree or Red-edge dracaena, is indigenous to the island of
Madagascar. The Madagascar Dragontree has been a popular foliage
plant for many years because of its distinctive appearance. The
stems are woody, erect and the long, narrow, sword-like leaves
clasp the stem in a closely stacked fashion. The dark green
glossy leaves are trimmed with a narrow, dark red margin. Leaves
on large plants may exceed 18 inches in length, and old plants
may be 10 feet high from soil level. Dracaena marginata is
available from Florida nurseries in containers ranging from
3-inch square pots up to specimens in containers 52 inches
across. The dark green cultivar accounts for most of the plants
sold, however, there are two cultivars worth mentioning.
`Tricolor' has longitudinal ivory stripes through the central
green area and red margins. `Colorama' is similar to `Tricolor'
except there are red and ivory bands in the central sector of the
leaf. Because the variegated cultivars have less chlorophyll than
the species, they are less vigorous during production and less
likely to succeed indoors, except in very bright locations. The
plant is used as a medium to large size shrub in southern Florida
and is reliably hardy in Zone 10B, where the average minimal
temperature range is 35 to 40°F.
Dracaena sanderana, sometimes called the Ribbon plant,
is a small, 4 to 5 inch, dracaena. It has graceful green
lanceolate leaves with white marginal stripes on an upright stem.
The plant is frequently used in dish gardens. Dracaena
borinquensis is a small stiff robust dracaena. Leaves have a
light center stripe and green margins. Gold dust dracaena, Dracaena
godseffiana, a spreading shrubby plant, has elliptic green
leaves with many small cream colored spots on wiry stems.
Dracaenas are propagated commercially by vegetative methods. Dracaena
marginata and its cultivars are propagated from cuttings or,
in a few instances, air layers are used on relatively large
stems. Most small dracaenas are started from terminal cuttings
with foliage to the base. Very large cuttings and layers
generally have exposed stems at the base. Plants can be
propagated from cane sections, but are rarely done so because of
the undesirable branching angle of shoots from the upper portion
of cane. Most propagation material used by Florida growers comes
from the Caribbean Basin and Central America, although a few
nurseries in south Florida maintain stock plants of D.
marginata in full sun. Cuttings placed in small pots are
usually plunged to the bottom to insure support. Cuttings and
layers used in larger containers are set slightly above the base
to provide a better environment for root development.
Semiwoody canes and tips of `Massangeana' are shipped to the
U.S. for propagation. Upper ends are usually dipped in wax to
prevent desiccation. Cane survival rate can vary from 50 - 100%
depending upon care during, and after, harvest. Cane should be
handled as though it is a leafy cutting. Removing a small portion
of the base of the cane before placement of cane in the
propagating medium allows for better water uptake. Dracaenas
respond favorably to rooting hormones and use of rooting
substances is considered desirable by most nurserymen using
unrooted cuttings. However, tests have shown IBA powder to be
ineffective with D. deremensis `Compacta' and
detrimental to D.marginata `Colorama' and D. surculosa
`Florida Beauty.' A 50 parts per million (ppm) soak for 18 hours
of IBA improved `Massangeana' bud break. Dracaenas root and grow
best when temperatures range between 75 and 90°F.
Potting media used for growing dracaenas should be free from
pests, well drained and moisture retentive. Small plants grow
well in a mix composed predominately of organic components.
Larger plants growing in shadehouses should have a heavier mix,
often composed of 10 to 20% sand, to prevent wind toppling. The
potting medium should be adjusted to a pH range of 6.0 to 6.5
prior to sticking or potting plants. Elevating pH levels above
7.0 has been shown to cause iron deficiencies. Media should be
amended to include a moderate level of micronutrients such as 1
lb of Micromax/yd3. Avoid use of micronutrient blends which
contain excessive boron and superphosphate which contains
fluoride. Fluoride (F), not an essential element, can induce leaf
chlorosis of dracaenas. It is found in some irrigation water,
soil mix ingredients and fertilizers, especially superphosphate.
Keeping the Ph above 6.0 will usually prevent F toxicity.
To maintain growth through cool periods, temperature in the
production structure should be held above 65°F. Suggested air
temperatures for best growth range between 65 and 90°F. For
maximum production, root zone temperature should be between 75
and 80°F. If air temperatures exceed 90°F chlorosis of `Janet
Craig' and notching of `Warneckii' will occur. The chlorosis
appears to be iron deficiency, but additions of iron will not
prevent the chlorosis. At soil or air temperatures less than
65°F, very little growth will occur. Plants will be damaged at
35°F air temperature if exposed for short periods, 1-2 days, or
if exposed to 55°F for 1 week. To simply protect the plants from
cold damage, a minimum of 50°F should be held and plants should
be sheltered from wind. Temperatures below 50°F, but above
freezing, have been observed to cause chilling damage when plants
are exposed to wind.
Light levels can strongly affect appearance of dracaenas,
especially the variegated cultivars. Suggested shade level for
`Marginata' and `Massangeana' is 63 to 73% (about 3000 to 4000
ft-c), which produce `Massangeana' with good contrast between the
yellow and green portions of leaves. Best production light level
for `Warneckii' and `Janet Craig' and the small dracaenas is
2000-3500 ft-c, or about 70-80% shade. High light will decrease
area of the white stripe on `Warneckii' and Sanderana and
increase leaf necrosis.
In many instances, the small sized dracaenas, usually 6-inch
diameter pots and less, are grown in greenhouses along with a
mixture of other plants which grow best at light intensities in
the 2000 to 3000 foot candle range. Under such conditions, the
plants will be somewhat less vigorous and the leaves will be more
pendulous. Plants grown above 4000 ft-c probably will not survive
well when placed indoors as plants grown at lower light levels.
`Massangeana', `Warneckii' and `Janet Craig' should receive a
fertilization regime of 7 g nitrogen per square foot monthly from
a 3-1-2 (N-P2O5-K2O) ratio fertilizer or the equivalent of 7
grams of a 19-6-12 fertilizer applied at three month intervals to
a 6" pot. Marginata should receive slightly more fertilizer,
about 10 g per square foot monthly. Other dracaenas should
receive about 8 g nitrogen monthly or 5 g of a 19-6-12 per
6" pot every 3 months. During periods of heavy rainfall, the
monthly fertilization rates should be increased to compensate for
excessive leaching. Tissue composition of good quality dracaenas
is found in Table 1.
Table 1. Tissue composition (% dry weight) of good quality
N P K Ca Mg
Janet Craig' 2.0-3.0 0.2-0.3 3.0-4.0 1.5-2.0 0.3-0.6
Warneckii' 2.5-3.5 0.1-0.3 3.0-4.5 1.0-2.0 0.5-1.0
Massangeana' 2.0-3.0 0.1-0.3 1.0-2.0 1.0-2.0 0.5-1.0
Godseffiana 1.5-2.5 0.2-0.3 1.0-2.0 1.0-1.5 0.3-0.5
Sanderana 2.5-3.5 0.2-0.3 2.0-3.0 1.5-2.5 0.3-0.6
F content of 50 parts per million ppm was found in healthy
`Janet Craig', and 100 ppm found in necrotic plants. Healthy
`Warneckii' had only 35 ppm and necrotic plants had 75 ppm F.
Plants can tolerate low soil moisture, but best growth is
obtained if plants are not subjected to drought conditions.
Dracaenas do not appear to be influenced greatly by growth
Dracaenas can be shipped satisfactorily for 2 weeks at
temperatures of 60-65°F, and except for `Florida Beauty' should
lose very little quality if kept for 4 weeks. Exposure to 15
parts per million (ppm) ethylene for 24 hours had no effect on Dracaena
marginata or sanderana, and would probably not affect
other dracaenas.
`Warneckii' and `Janet Craig' remain attractive under light
levels as low as 50 foot-candles (ft-c), but 100-150 ft-c is
1) Chilling injury
- Symptoms
- - Chilling for several hours at 32 to 37°F without air
turbulence will result in chlorotic or necrotic bands
across several leaves. Slight constriction or
irregularity of the leaf surface is usually associated
with the banding. These symptoms are not evident for 2 or
more weeks because damage occurs inside the terminal
sheath of leaves and foliage must elongate first.
- Control -
- Avoid chilling plants during production, handling, and
2) Phytotoxicity from excesses of soluble salts,
fluorides, or boron.
- Symptoms -
- Chlorosis and usually necrosis of terminal portion of
leaves. Symptoms are similar for the 3 types of injury
and are a complex of 2 or more types of toxicity.
- Control -
- Excess soluble salts can be prevented by following
recommended fertilizer rates. Periodic solubridge meter
readings of potting media are suggested to monitor
fertility levels. Fluoride phytotoxicity usually arises
when superphosphate or other phosphorous sources
containing fluorides are used in the fertilizer program.
Avoid use of these products as well as water supplies
high in fluoride. Adjust potting media to pH 6.0-6.5 and
avoid other factors which contribute to rapid fluoride
accumulation in the foliage such as high temperatures,
bright light, low humidity, and wind. If fluoride
phytotoxicity is from fluoride particles suspended in the
air (one type of air pollution), little can be done
except grow plants with more resistance to fluoride
injury. Boron also accumulates in the terminal and
marginal areas of the leaf where "burn" is
observed. Avoid using fertilizer products with high
levels of boron. Remember, boron is an essential element
for plant growth and therefore should be present in the
plant in very small amounts. If the potting medium and
water supply are essentially boron free, a small
amount should be added as part of the fertilizer program.
3) Tip distortion
- Symptoms -
- Disfigured new growth of D. marginata has
been observed in several south Florida nurseries. The
problem is often severe when present and does not appear
to be pathogenic or nutritional in origin, although some
plants have responded to applications of copper.
- Control -
- Not known yet
4) Flecking
- Symptoms -
- Newest leaves have scattered white to yellow spots that
are most common near the apex in D. marginata. As
the leaf matures these spots usually turn green, but
marketability is reduced when plants are severely
spotted. No plant pathogens have been isolated from the
- Control -
- The problem is most severe in high light and low
temperatures and decreases as percent shade is increased.
Plants grown under 2000 ft-c or less often have no
spotting while full sun grown plants often have spotting.
MASSANGEANA Reference Pest
Control Guides Here
1) Leaning canes
- Symptoms -
- Canes become loose in pots causing plants to be
unsalable and sometimes damaged. This often occurs during
- Control -
- Growers have approached the problem of loose or leaning
canes in several ways: 1) Utilizing a potting medium that
packs securely around canes; 2) Shipping with a spacer
between multi-cane plants to prevent movement and 3)
Inducing rooting further up the cane as well as at the
base to provide additional support.
2) Fluoride toxicity
- Symptoms -
- On `Massangeana' the first indication is a mottled loss
of pigmentation within the green area, most easily
observed from undersides of leaves. With time, these
areas become chlorotic and then necrotic, often
progressing to the point that the leaf margin is damaged.
On `Lindenii' and `Victoria', the problem appears mainly
in the white or golden margins and is first observed as
necrosis. This problem on these two cultivars often
limits their usefulness.
- Control -
- Potting media should have a pH of 6.0 to 6.5 to control
fluoride availability. Care must also be taken to use
water and fertilizer sources that do not contain
3) Flowering
- Symptoms -
- Plants produce sprays of light lilac flowers. As the
sprays are terminal, they result in loss of the terminal
meristem and cause a cessation of growth until side nodes
break. This usually ruins the plant's appearance.
- Control -
- Flowering appears related to cool temperatures in the
fall or early winter, especially where minimum night
temperatures are near 45°F or below for several weeks.
Observation indicates that 7 to 14 cool nights in a row
will probably initiate flowering. We suggest maintenance
of 55°F or higher to prevent flower formation.
4) Small heads
- Symptoms -
- Canes break poorly and only produce 1 to 2 heads per
- Control -
- Use only fresh cane or pre-sprouted cane of good
quality. Generally, small thin canes and thick old canes
produce the lowest number of sprouts. Poor sprouting also
occurs when canes have been in storage or transit too
5) Wind burn
- Symptoms -
- Leaves develop a water-soaked or grayish area along leaf
margins which turns brown or black after several days.
Leaves most likely to be damaged are the newest developed
- Control -
- Keep plants away from wind whenever temperatures are
lower than 50°F. Short durations as low as 35°F are
usually safe, provided plants are protected from all
wind, as in a closed greenhouse. In windy areas, plants
can be partially protected by wind breaks or heating.
6) Shipping leaf breakdown
- Symptoms -
- Although plants appear normal at time of shipping,
leaves may be severely chlorotic or even necrotic several
days later when they are unpacked. The pattern of damage
is primarily a wide marginal band, but can also occur
within the leaf blade.
- Control -
- The cause is still not fully known, but the following
suggestions should reduce severity of this problem: 1)
Grow plants under suggested light and fertility regimes
(plants from high light and receiving heavy fertilization
are usually most severely injured); 2) Water plants
several days before shipping, but not within the last day
or two before packing. Recent research has shown that
plants not watered for up to a week before shipping may
be damaged least, provided the potting medium does not
become dry.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
1) Fluoride toxicity
- Symptoms -
- Elongated tan to dark brown areas form first in the
white tissue of `Warneckii', then progress to marginal
necrosis. `Janet Craig' tips and margins have chlorotic
and necrotic areas.
- Control -
- Maintain pH between 6.0 and 6.5. Avoid water, medium
components, and fertilizers containing fluoride.
Dracaenas are also very susceptible to aerial fluoride
2) Tip chlorosis
- Symptoms -
- New growth a general light green to yellow color.
- Control -
- Frequently, this is due to high pH, 7.5-8.0, which
results in iron chlorosis. Use iron spray and reduce pH
with sulfur or acid fertilizers.
3) Notching (`Warneckii')
- Symptoms -
- Base of leaves appear to be cut by knife. Serrations are
perpendicular to long axil of leaf, 1/8 to 1/2 inch deep.
- Control -
- Caused by high temperatures. Maintain maximum
temperature of 90°F. High fertilization will also
promote notching.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
1) Soft rot (Erwinia carotovora pv. carotovora
and E. chrysanthemi)
- Symptoms -
- Stem ends of unrooted and sometimes rooted cuttings are
mushy, brown and frequently smell like rotted fish. The
ends are wet and disintegrate rapidly under the warm,
moist conditions of rooting beds. A bacterial slime is
sometimes present. Infection commonly extends into the
lower leaves and causes their discoloration and collapse.
If the ends of infected stems are cut, a darkened
vascular system may be present.
- Control -
- The practice of recutting infected plants to remove
rotted portions does little to diminish losses of
cuttings. Sometimes cuttings will root only to become
symptomatic and rotted at a later date. Dipping
asymptomatic cuttings appear to decrease losses when
copper or streptomycin products are employed. The only
way to eliminate this disease is to reject all cuttings
with these symptoms.
Control Guides Here
1) Fusarium leaf spot and stem rot - (Fusarium
- Symptoms -
- Fusarium leaf spot symptoms occur initially on the
newest leaves of the plant which are within the central
whorl. Infection only occurs when this whorl is very wet
and spores are present. Lesions are irregularly shaped,
tan to reddish brown and many times have a chlorotic
(yellow) border. Under conditions of high disease
pressure and continually wet foliage, the lesions
coalesce and infection spreads into the plant meristem.
Stem rot often occurs on cuttings during mist
propagation. Symptoms are identical to those caused by
Erwinia and culture of the pathogen is required to
differentiate the two diseases. If plants are treated
with fungicides and the foliage kept dry, growth in the
center may resume, frequently from several buds. The
creamy-orange spores of the pathogen are commonly
produced in leaf or stem lesions under wet conditions and
splashing water spreads them onto other plants.
- Control -
- Keeping the foliage of this plant dry can eliminate the
foliar phase of this disease. If this is not possible,
use one of several fungicides to diminish symptom
expression. Soil drenches may decrease the stem rot phase
on these plants.
Control Guides Here
The major arthropod pests of `Warneckii' and `Janet
Craig' include fungus gnats, mealybugs, scales, and
thrips. Mealybugs and scale infestations are typically
the result of bringing infested plant material into the
production area. Fungus gnats and thrips have the ability
to fly and thus can invade from weeds and other infested
plants. In the control section for each pest, a few of
the many registered and effective pesticides will be
listed. For a complete listing, please consult the
references at the end of this report.
1) Fungus gnats
- Symptoms -
- Fungus gnats are small black flies (1/8 inch long) and
are frequently observed running around the soil surface
or on leaves and are often confused for Shore flies (see
later section). The adults have long bead-like antennae
and their legs hang down as they fly. These insects are
very weak fliers and appear to "flit" around
randomly. The larvae are small legless "worms"
with black heads and clear bodies that inhabit the soil.
The larvae spin webs on the soil surface which resemble
spider webs. Damage is caused by larvae feeding on roots,
root hairs, leaves in contact with the soil and lower
stem tissues. Feeding damage may predispose plants to
disease and they are often found in close association
with diseased plants or cuttings. Adults do not cause any
direct damage, but are responsible for many consumer
complaints to growers. Adults emerge and fly around in
retail shops, homes, or offices and are therefore a
nuisance. For further information please consult
Extension Entomology Report #74. (Management of fungus
gnats in greenhouse ornamentals).
- Control -
- Reduce the amount of water applied to each pot where
possible. Avoid algae growth where possible. Soil
drenches or soil-surface sprays are effective at
controlling the larvae. Nematodes that seek out insects
in the soil are sold commercially and have been shown to
control these pests without causing any negative effects
to the host plants. Adults are very sensitive to most
2) Mealybugs
- Symptoms -
- Mealybugs appear as white, cottony masses in leaf axils,
on the lower surfaces of leaves and on the roots.
Honeydew and sooty mold are often present and infested
plants become stunted, and with severe infestations,
plant parts begin to die.
- Control -
- Systemic materials are preferred. Control of root
mealybugs is accomplished with soil drenches with an
insecticide. When pesticides are applied to the soil,
care must be taken to assure that the pots have good
drainage and that no saucers are attached, or
phytotoxicity may result.
3) Scales
- Symptoms -
- Infested plants become weakened or stunted and begin to
die. Scales can be found feeding on leaves, petioles, or
stems. They are usually distinct from the plant material
on which they are feeding. Their shape (round to oval),
size (pinpoint to 2 mm long), and color (light to dark
brown) are quite variable and many scales are hard to
distinguish from the plant material on which they are
- Control -
- See Mealybugs
4) Shore flies
- Symptoms -
- Shore flies small black flies (1/8 inch long) and are
frequently observed sitting on the tips of leaves or on
the soil surface feeding on algae. The adults have very
short antennae. These insects very strong fliers and
exhibit directed flight (straight between 2 points). The
larvae inhabit the soil and are small legless
"worms" with clear bodies and no obvious heads.
No known damage is caused by larvae. This insect is
believed to feed only on algae. Adults do not cause any
direct damage, but may be responsible for spreading plant
pathogens, reducing value by defecating on the leaves
(small black to green spots) and for many consumer
complaints to growers. Adults emerge and fly around in
retail shops, homes, or offices and are therefore a
- Control -
- Reduce the amount of water applied to each pot where
possible. Avoid algae growth on walkways, benches, and
cooling pads. Chemicals are not believed to be very
effective in the control of this pest.
5) Thrips
- Symptoms -
- Thrips are small (less than 1/20), thin insects. Adult
thrips can be identified by a long fringe of hair around
the margins of both pairs of wings. Color varies between
species with western and other flower thrips being yellow
to light brown and banded greenhouse thrips and a few
other thrips that feed mainly on leaves being dark brown
to black. Feeding takes place with rasping type mouth
parts. Infested leaves become curled or distorted, with
silver-gray scars or calloused areas where feeding has
occurred. Thrips can transmit the tomato spotted wilt
virus to many different ornamentals. Any unusual symptoms
should be investigated.
- Control -
- Many materials are registered and effective at
controlling thrips.
Pesticides should be applied according to label directions.
Regardless of the pesticide or mixture of pesticides
used, it is
strongly recommended that the effects be evaluated on a few
plants, under your particular conditions before treating all
Mention of a commercial or proprietary product in
this paper
does not constitute a recommendation by the authors,
nor does it imply registration under FIFRA as amended.
Reference Pest Control Guides Here
1. Chase, A.R. 1990. Phytotoxicity of bactericides and
fungicides on some ornamentals. Nursery Digest 24(5):11.
2. Conover, C.A. and R.T. Poole. 1980. Influence of
fertilization, superphosphate and lime on mottling of Dracaena
fragans. HortScience 15(1):23-24.
3. Conover, C.A. and R.T. Poole. 1980. Interior quality of Dracaena
angustifolia Roxb. `Honoriae' as influenced by light and
fertilizer during production. HortScience 15(1):24-26.
4. Conover, C.A. and R.T. Poole. 1982. Fluoride induced
chlorosis and necrosis of Dracaena fragrans `Massangeana'.
J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 107(1):136-139.
5. Conover, C.A. and R.T. Poole. 1988. Growth of foliage
plants in differentially compacted potting media. J. Amer. Soc.
Hort. Sci. 113(1):65-70.
6. Poole, R.T. and C.A. Conover. 1974. Foliar chlorosis of Dracaena
deremensis Engler cv. Warneckii cuttings induced by fluoride.
HortScience 9(4):378,379.
7. Poole, R.T. and C.A. Conover. 1983. Influence of simulated
shipping environments on foliage plant quality. HortScience
8. Poole, R.T. and C.A. Conover. 1986. Growth of Cissus,
Dracaena and Syngonium at different fertilizer, irrigation and
soil temperatures. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 99:268-269.
9. Poole, R.T. and C.A. Conover. 1987. Effect of
environmental factors on Dracaena `Massangeana' during
shipping. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 100:340-341.
10. Poole, R.T., C.A. Conover and J. ben-Jaacov. 1984.
Long-term storage of foliage plants. Scientia Horticulturae
11. Poole, R.T., C.A. Conover and E.E. Waters. 1974.
Bud-break in canes of Dracaena fragrans Ker. cv.
Massangeana. HortScience 9(6):540,541.
12. Price, J., D.E. Short and L.S. Osborne. 1989. Management
of fungus gnats in greenhouse ornamentals. Extension Entomology
Report #74.
13. Short, D.E., L.S. Osborne and R.W. Henley. 1984.
Phytotoxicity of insecticides and miticides to foliage and woody
ornamental plants. Extension Entomology Report #57.
14. Short, D.E., L.S. Osborne and R.W. Henley. 1991.
1991-1992 Insect and related arthropod management guide for
commercial foliage plants in Florida. Extension Entomology Report
#52. 13 pp.
15. Simone, G.W. and A.R. Chase. 1989. Disease control
pesticides for foliage production. Extension Plant Pathology
Report #30. 54 pp.